Monday, August 8, 2011


The first fire in the fire pit! While coming home from errands on Saturday, Tim asked me to pull over. "Right here!" Of course I figured he was suddenly feeling sick - not the case. He opened the car door, leaned out, reached for something and quickly got back in and shut the door. He had a rock in his lap. A BIG rock. He quickly answered the question in my mind and apparently on my face.

"For the fire pit. This is the perfect size for the fire pit. Let's see if we can find some more."

So, we continued pulling over during the final miles of our commute home and collected all the rocks necessary to build our very own fire pit. Tim dug out the hole, organized the rocks around it and filled and started the first fire in the backyard.

It seems a silly thing to some I'm sure, but this is one of the things that we wanted while house hunting. Not that we expected a place with a fire pit, but that we would have a yard, and have a little space to call our own and to fill with outdoor kids toys, a compost pile, a fire pit, chickens, a garden and more. Some of these things won't be in the works until next year, seeing as it's already August, but a few key things, like this fire pit, are being enjoyed now and making our first summer in our first home a little sweeter. I really didn't think that was possible.

1 comment:

the good life mama said...

Congratulations on your new place! Many blessings and much happiness!