Thursday, September 11, 2008

Hair I Am

I finally did it last night - I colored my hair purple. I've been wanting to do this for about a month or so now and was all set to do it last week but then my friend Kristi got it into her head that I would make a good model to feature her beautiful wraps. So, I postponed the dyeing a few days and now that Kristi is done with me as a model, I'm free to change my appearance. So, there it is! I just have stripes now, I didn't do my whole head. I like it but I don't love it....I want more. My plan is to add in some bleached strips too and have it be a kind of blended mixture of shades. I will post pics of the "final product" when it's ready but in the meantime this is it. So, if you see a puple haired mama at the playground say hello, it's just me!

1 comment:

Hilaree said...

I LOOOOVE IT!! No fair, you beat me to it! I've been wanting to do something funky with my hair for YEARS. I think you look fabulous. Go for the bleaching, too - it will only get better! Yay!