Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tuesday Tunes - Summer Session Part 1

One of the best things about living where we do is our proximity to great music.  Each summer the Prescott Parks Arts Festival  presents a wonderful mix of new and familiar artists to the seacoast.  Every Wednesday night you can head down here, sit by the water, and see a great show for about $5. (Donations are appreciated but there isn't a set fee for the concerts)  *It's not always this crowded, but even when it is there is a large yard to the right of this scene and the left.  Don't be deceived by internet pictures.

While you're waiting for the show to start you can walk around the gardens, which are absolutely stunning.  You can also visit a number of cute retail shops within walking distance, and you can walk to some great eateries and bring your dinner back to the park.  It's a perfect way to spend a summer evening, especially in the middle of the week.

This week, Prescott Park welcomes the Carolina Chocolate Drops.  They debuted on Nonesuch records (Wilco connection = instant appeal in my book) in 2010 and were nominated for a Grammy last year. They have an old style sound that is completely original.  Which I realize may sound like an impossibility, but take a listen yourself.  It's a very beautiful blend of jazz and folk that will pull you in. I promise.  If you aren't sure, do yourself two favors; 1) Watch all three of the videos below.  2) If you're local, go to Prescott Park tomorrow night and see them live.  You're welcome!  (Also, the lead singer's name is Rhiannon.  Seriously. How much do I love that?  And, they get bonus points because their bassist is named Leyla.  Which I'm assuming is pronounced the same as mine, because it's an awesome name and it'd be foolish to say it any other way.)

Country Girl

Snowden's Jig

Hit 'Em Up Style

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