Thursday, July 31, 2008

Just Because....

I stumbled upon this picture collage after doing a search for breastfeeding images the other day. I attended the LDS in Albany last weekend which was amazing and I'll write more about it very soon. In the meantime enjoy the images.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Crazy Toddler On The Loose!

Things Nate has done this week:

Attempted to eat three glass beads

Colored on the walls with pen

Colored on the couch with crayon (pink, a nice compliment to our green couch)

Fallen off a kitchen chair while throwing a tantrum (as I stood next to him) which lead to a minor head injury at 4:45pm - just as our family practitioner was leaving for the day. This meant a 30 minute drive to find the nearest hospital to visit the ER. (always find this out before you need to know it)

Got skin glue on head wound which required being pinned down on his belly by his parents and a lovely RN named Candace.

Pulled 20 keys off of my laptop while I was washing dishes and assuming he was finding safe, non-destructive ways to entertain himself. You'd think after the first kid I wouldn't make assumptions about anything!

Made me smile at least 100 times. Made his brother laugh a good 75 times. Helped to make our family the amazing creation it is - countless times over.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Catching Up

I've had pics on my camera for a few weeks now - just sitting there waiting to get put on the computer and shared with the world. Now that is nearing midnight and everyone else in the house is finally asleep, I can do just that. They're random pics of things new to us and just generally cute photos of the kids. Cause you know you love them!

The first few are of the high chair cover that Nona made for Nate. It's made of a beautiful batik material that Nona and I found on clearance at JoAnn's. I'm thoroughly in love with it and Nate now pulls on the edge of it and says, "NOoona seat!" when he wants to eat. There's also a candid of Nate eating salsa while wearing his I'd Rather Be Breastfeeding hat - not at all true when it comes to that boy and salsa by the way. He would be ecstatic if my breasts could produce salsa instead of milk.

Then there is our new car!!!! Yay!!! It's a Mazda Protege5 and I thoroughly love it, I thank the goddess and god every day that we're finally able to afford a car payment and live in endless debt. It is a great car though and much better on gas and safer than our old van was. Ben was really sad when we dropped the van off at the dealership and drove this home, he thought that we would have two cars and was distraught about the loss of the van. He's over it. He had about two weeks where he complained but now he really likes the car and he even gave it its official name: Blooregard aka Bloo. (yes, from Foster's Home - he and I watch it together everyday)

Lastly, a beach shot from yesterday at our new favorite beach, New Castle Commons. I will post another blog all about it, it's deserving of a separate entry.

Camp In

Ben's been asking to camp out a lot recently and we had hoped to do a lot of camping last summer and never did thanks to my pancreatic issues. We still had our tent, brand new in the bag in the garage when we moved and Ben spotted it last weekend and asked to take it out. Well, originally he asked if we could go camping, but at 5pm on a Saturday we said it wasn't the best timing. We compromised with a camping trip in the office instead. The boys and I spent the night in the tent and slept very well, in spite of the hard floor below us. I'm sure it felt worse to me than to the boys, I think they can sleep on rocks and not notice. Tim camped out in the bedroom all by himself, which is a rare adventure of its own. We are hoping to do some real camping outside of our home soon. This summer is already filling up so fast so we've got to book a site soon and just plan it. (Tim are you reading this?)