*SIDE STEP - The following is random, but relevant. Patience please! This summer, Sydney discovered the Pigeon series by Mo Willems. If you are parent to a child over the age of three and have not read these books yet, get your butt to the library NOW. Stop reading my nonsense ramblings and go. So, as I was saying, Syda is in love with them, she borrows at least three every time we go to the library and she asks to read them constantly.*
Naturally, on our way to the humane society, the kids were talking about what animals they'd see. Ben visits their website often and was speculating on whether or not Rocky would still be there or Trixie. Nate told us he only want to see the cats for a few minutes, but the dogs for longer. It was a typical planning meeting. Then Syda asked the most logical question , "I can get a pigeon?" We all smiled and I even laughed a little when I said, "No, sorry Syda. There are no pigeons at the shelter." Then we got there.
Look at his smug expression. My three year old will never believe another word I say. |
This dude made me a liar.
I kid you not, he was waiting for us as we walked in. With a big sign informing us that his name was Chico, he's a homing pigeon who has decided to make the humane society his new home. Note the band on his leg - he's legit. This is not some random pigeon that got lost on his way between the Target and Wal Mart parking lots.
Fortunately, he and Syda didn't strike up a bond that day. But she was thoroughly excited that the animal she had asked for was delivered. I've tried asking for a million dollars to be greeting us on the walkway when we visit the shelter. Hey, if Syda can get a pigeon, I can get my dream too!
This Saturday we went for another visit, and Chico greeted us again. And, what I feared most happened. He noticed Sydney. He liked Sydney. He tried to bond with Sydney. She was sitting out in the courtyard area playing in the grass and rocks, which happens to be right near where Chico likes to lie in the sun. So, while she was out there waiting patiently for me to fill out some paperwork (more on that later) Chico kept inching closer and closer to her. Sadly, I didn't manage to get a picture of them, but he got all of two feet away from her and I'll be damned if it wasn't some human/pigeon parallel play going on there. One of the CVHS Employees even commented on it. Chico clearly knows about the pigeon books and he knows that Syda doesn't side with the bus driver. She's Team Pigeon. She would totally let him drive the bus, eat a hot dog, get a puppy, and stay up late. Which is exactly why Chico will not be living in our backyard anytime soon. Unless she gave him our address.....crap.
*If you are local and looking for a new pet, please visit CVHS. If you can't adopt there are plenty of other ways to help, volunteer, donate, spread the word.
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