This photo is of the wild turkeys that visit our backyard almost everyday. Strangely enough we haven't seen them for a week. Wonder if they heard what day was coming up?
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! This will just be a quick post to wish everyone happy eating, visiting and football watching. Ben is watching the parade now and is fascinated by the Broadway Kids Camp singing group - hmm, a hint into the future? We'll see. Later this morning Nate & I will be going to my mom's to have dinner with her and my grandparents. Ben & Tim will be going to his brother's house this afternoon to celebrate with his mom and brother. So it's another Turkey day apart for this family, we've done something similar to this each year so it's nothing new to us. Odd thing is too, it doesn't feel that weird, maybe we're just used to it.
Anyway, I will post an update on our activities later tonight or tomorrow. In the meantime I hope you all have a very happy Thanksgiving.