Monday, June 22, 2009


I have to stop eating crap. It's that simple. I'm putting it in writing in the hopes of encouraging me to actually follow through on this idea. I've recently been doing the whole "I'm pregnant, I can eat what I want" diet and it's not good. I mean yeah sure, it tastes good but it's not good for me or the wee one.

I had pre eclampsia with Nate and I've been doing a ton of research about it since the beginning of this pregnancy in the hopes of preventing it from reoccurring. One of the biggest factors is nutrition...good nutrition. The first three months of pregnancy are out for me anyway thanks to morning sickness, I'm lucky to keep down whatever is appealing at that moment and I don't beat myself up over it. But now, well now we're at 25 weeks and the morning sickness is gone and I can eat almost anything but I shouldn't! I really need to be increasing the fruits and veggies and the protein. Pineapple on pizza (as we had for dinner last night) does not count as an adequate serving of fruit for the day.

So, on this rainy Monday, as I look ahead to at least three more days of nothing but rain and time spent inside with my guys, I'm resolving to eat better. I'm hoping that since we'll be home I'll be able to really put some effort into this cause and not be grabbing junk like I do when we're out. However, there sits a vanilla cake and half of a woopie pie on my kitchen counter, so being out may have very little to do with it.

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